The warranty tracker template enables users to understand how a warranty can be tracked and what the process is. Basically, a warranty tracker is a system that we use to trace a warranted item from the start of the delivery till the completion of the effectivity of the warranty. In other words, it helps you with identifying which equipment or part of a product is covered under warranty. Every company provides different kinds of warranty for their products with their own specific terms. Sometimes you have to pay an extra amount to extend the warranty to protect the purchased products for a long time. However, you have to follow the terms mentioned on a warranty card to claim or trace warranty. And if you don’t take care of specific terms of the warranty policies, you will lose both the product and its warranty. The seller would refuse to accept any or all claims filled by a user, if the validity of the terms is expired or not being followed.
Why The Warranty Tracker is Significant?
The warranty tracker helps users to locate the expiry as well as other crucial information, like when the next repair date is, what is the status of current repair? What is the status of the product claim? And when will the product be ready? A user can access all this information on his/her computer screen with the help of software which is provided by the seller either with a product or through a login. In this way, he/she will be able to keep up with any repairs to a product or equipment as and when required. Moreover, to make sure you are well-informed, you can use the expiry notification option for the warranty. It will let you know when your warranty is going to expire. In this way, you can make use of that warranty before it expires.
What Are the Advantages of Warranty Tracker?
There are many advantages to keeping a warranty tracker and some of them are provided underneath:
Being Economical:
We don’t realize how much a warranty that accompanies any component can be useful for us. Without it we would face extra repair expenses which could be avoided. Therefore, you wish to control your expenses by having a valid and active warranty tracker.
Easy to Store:
Storing your warranty in a warranty tracker is a far better option than filed warranties. In this way, there are less chances of being lost, misfiled or forgotten. Therefore, storing your warranty in a well-organized manner in a warrant tracker, can help you with protecting your products and saving your money.
Keep the Product in Good Condition:
A warranty tracker software helps you with keeping your product fully workable and in good condition. You can send your product for timely inspection which will keep your product in good health and you can enjoy the product for a longer period.
Location and Status of Product:
Since you can track your product after sending it for repair, it gives you peace of mind. You can check where your product is and when it will be delivered to you.
Features of a Warranty Tracker:
There are many features of a warranty tracker but a few of the important ones are:
Change services:
One of the features of a warranty tracker is that as soon as the information regarding the asset is added to the tracker app. It starts by tracking, viewing the contacts and warranties. You can even modify the changes regarding the warranty you have.
Handles Large Volume with Ease:
You can easily handle large volumes by barcode enabled receipts, by moves and shipment. You also have the feature of the batch entitlement check by which you can keep up with the whole batch of the assets or equipment.
Track Product using a Mobile Device:
You can instantly check the performance and information regarding your assets through your phone. Without having to go through a lot of steps if you file the warranties instead of using warranty trackers.
With the help of a warranty tracker, you will know the location of the product, contact and services. You are able to keep up with what services have been provided by your assets or equipment since you have bought them.
A warranty tracker serves as a reminder for you. With the help of it, you no longer have to keep up with the warranty of everything you own. With the help of its notification feature, you are alerted every time any warranty is going to expire soon.
Templates for Warranty Tracker