A termination letter template is a letter which is usually used by the employer to terminate the employee because of layoffs, poor performance or some other reasons. Generally, these letters will address the candidate and allow them to know the reason for being fired. Usually it depends on the situation whether the reason for firing is written in the letter or not. The termination letter should be clear and brief enough, but principles of business communication must be kept in mind while writing it. It would not be so disappointing for the employee if some wish for his/her future is added to the end of this letter.
Importance of Termination Letter:
No doubt, writing a termination letter is necessary when you have a strong reason to fire some employee from your company. This termination letter template will not only impose your decision but also make it absolutely clear why the employee was fired. After preparing the termination letter, there would be no other room for an employee to wonder about. However, this official document will legally offer a stronger defense if the employee files a petition in court over his/her discharge from company, business authority.
Quick Tips to Prepare Termination Letter:
The termination letter is very hard to write as it gives painful information to the reader. The selection of words must be chosen with extreme care and try to avoid such words which can add fuel to fire. The following are a few quick tips, in case if you wish to write in your own words. These tips are given below;
1- You must consult professionals as well as legal advisers before starting to write a termination letter. There are a few critical elements which are directly attached to termination of employees, such as; goodwill of company, moral of employee, motivational level, and the credibility of the business.
2- To select appropriate words for the letter, you can also use relevant references. These resources can help in drafting your letter both aesthetically and professionally.
3- Once your termination letter is ready, you will need to review the content and evaluate the format of the document once again. Don’t forget to mention the perks and cash rewards which your employee has earned previously. You are firing him/her but not ruining his/her career.
4- You can also add it to your reference book. You will need this letter in the future, but remember to change the cause of termination. There are a variety of ways in which employees give confirmation regarding termination matters. Therefore, you can set regulations for the termination policy of employees.
Purpose of Termination Letter Template:
The vital purpose of this formal termination letter is to directly address the candidate and officially present him/her with the reason for being fired. So, the writer should have to draft this important piece of document in a specialized manner. Moreover, there are certain circumstances where it becomes mandatory for an employer to remove an employee from his/her position. The employer can choose either to remove him/her with immediate effect or he/she may offer his/her employee to finish his/her pending tasks within notice period. Whatever circumstances an employer faced, he/she needs to write the contents of a termination letter carefully. It would be wise to use polite words with proper justification and reason why the said employee has been removed from his/her position.
Templates for Termination Letter: