A vaccination record form or immunization record is a document which is provided by a hospital or clinic to an individual to keep track of their vaccinations. An individual’s vaccination record form is considered very important. It is usually prepared for a person when they are an infant and get their first mandatory vaccination doses. This record form keeps all information about all the different vaccines the susceptible person has received in their lifetime and the ones they have not received yet. These forms even inform you about how many doses of each vaccine the person has received and how many are pending. Hence, it is considered an important document for any individual, just like their birth certificate. Why a Vaccination Record Form is Used? When we apply to any organization as an employee or get admission to an institute or school, the administration demands some documents for our identification. One of these documents is a vaccination record form. And the reason is quite clear, as we are well aware that some viral diseases are contagious and need to be contained. They can be transmitted by touch if the person is infected. Hence, for the safety of the other people

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