Fax cover sheet templates are like fax covers that are faxed through to your recipients before you fax actual messages. These cover sheet formats are optional methods as far as fax marketing is concerned. It will include information about the documents that were actually faxed to different clients. Moreover, it provides the following information, like what it is about, by whom it was sent and to whom, how many pages were sent, sending date, name and phone numbers of the sender and recipients. Their intended purpose is to identify the sender and provide some contact information, as well as to state the intended recipient and their information. Generally, it is just like a cover letter which is meant to introduce the accompanying document. Well, a fax cover is a sheet of paper which is used by companies to record the information of all the contacts they want to send data to through fax. Benefits of Fax Cover Sheet: Fax cover sheet templates provide a lot of benefits, not only to the users but also to the receivers. These benefits are, like a fax cover sheet giving the contact information of the sender so that an unintended recipient can inform the