A bank statement reveals the detailed information of somebody’s credit account in a local or an overseas bank. Generally bank statements are sent out in the post or assessed online. It is very important for you to check your bank statement regularly if you have a high number of transactions. It shows all deposits made into the account and all payments made out including any debt payments. These statements are great way to help an account holder to keep track of his money and recognize spending habits. The official bank statement issued by the bank on the request of the account holder is generally signed and approved by the person in authority. Nowadays most of banks offer an account holder the option of receiving paper statement or paperless electronic statement and these statements are known as electronic statement.
A bank statement is basically a word layout, somehow a report shape, issued by banks. It shows the position of bank balance in customer account at specific date and the details of deposits and withdrawals during period for which statement is issued. This statement is very important for any account holder because he/she can review their account activities and add it in their own financial records. It primarily shows transactions in the account during specific period and it allows an account holder to identify those transactions which are doubtful. Normally, this statement contains the information of all checks paid during specific time frame, total withdrawals, cash deposits, interest transferred and service charge deducted from account. In accounting terms, any transaction which shows debit balance means deducted amount from account and while showing credit balance means deposited into account.
A fundamental layout for generating a bank statement format incorporates all the subtle elements, from the total current amount present in the account to the records of the amount of money withdrawn or added to it during the course of the time. Bank statement also states that name and logo of the bank and the person or the institution holding the account. It also mentions the date and exact time for each and every transaction, either in the form of money credited or debited from the account. The bank statement format also states the mode of transfer of any kind of transactions made during the time period.We are providing a download button underneath the image of this template for quick download. All you need is to click on download button and file will moved to your desire folder without any delay.
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