Adoption Certificate Template

An adoption certificate template is a legal document issued by a legal authority or court, confirming the adoption process where adoptee (child or kid) is handed over to adoptive parents. The issuance of adoption certificate replaces adoptee's original birth certificate, however it contains the same information as a birth certificate. Later on, it is used to prove the identity of the adopted person. A professional adoption certificate included following basic information such as; the date of adoption, name of orphanage, the person who adopted is found on the certificate. In other words, adoption is the process of legally accepting adoptee's responsibilities from his/her birth parents. However, there are certain prerequisites which needed to be met in order to be eligible to adopt a child. It's start with mental and physical health of adoptive parents. Then comes financial stability, social acceptance and their stable relationship, at least for the last two (02) years.

Single Parent and Adoption

A single person also known as single parent can also submit request for adoption as it is now permitted in all US states. Single parent adopting behavior is getting more attention as the need of loving homes is also increases. No matter whether single parent is applying for adoption through court or child protection, there are plenty of children who are waiting loving homes. The minimum age difference between the adoptive parents and child should be at least twenty-five (25) years. However, single parent adoption is not easy and there are many challenges. Usually most desirable children; newborn, toddlers and babies with no previous illness on record, are often handed over to couple parents. The reason is simple, they can provide care and love to new kid along with their personal life issues. Whereas; a single parent will face more difficulty and that is the reason, he/she will go for older kids.

Process of Adoption

The process of adoption typically includes the following steps:

Exploring about process and types of adoption.

Researching and selecting a suitable agency for adoption.

Fill out the application.

The adoption agency will find the right child for you.

Spend some time with the child.

Apply to the court for the process of becoming a legal parent.

Once the court has arranged the adoption, the child is provided with the original birth certificate. As you know, the birth certificate is produced at birth. After adoption, an adoption certificate is made, and it is almost the same as birth certificate. The vital information is the same on both certificates, which include the date and the place of birth. The name can be changed according to the wish of the adoptive parents. Note worthily, there is nothing on the adoption certificate which indicates the child is adopted, it is up to the adoptive parents, if they wish to disclose the information in front of the child. Same case is for adopted, if the kids wishes to use the adoption certificate for any purpose, only then rest of people will come to know his/her adoption.

What Happens with Birth Certificate after Adoption

As you know, birth certificate is replaces with adoption certificate once adoption process is completed. The original birth certificate is kept confidential after the issuance of the adoption certificate. The access is not granted by many states even after the child is over 18 years old but, in some states, it can be accessed only with the consent of all three parties which include:

1. The adoptive parents

2. The birth parents

3. The adopted child

Information on Adoption Certificate

An adoption certificate includes the same information as a birth certificate has. The most common information which anyone can see to discover in an adoption certificate is given below for your ease;

Registration place which includes sub-district, district, and country.

Accurate name of the adopted child (chosen by adoptive parents).

The birth date – usually do not include the time of birth.

Full names of adoptive parents.

Address of adoptive parents.

Profession of adoptive parents (not always publicized).

Adoption Order date.

Court where the adoption was ordered.

The entry registration date.

Signature of the appointed officer.

The certificate issuance date.

An adoption certificate is very crucial because it certifies legal rights which are given by a legal court to the adoptive parents to raise a child as their own. As for the child, the certificate gives the child the right to claim the adoptive parents as his/her own parents.

Templates for Adoption Certificate

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